2015 Edition

The Wanted 18

The Wanted 18

Section: Freedom Films

Country: Palestine, France, Canada

Production Year: 2014

Runtime: 75 Minutes

Directors: Paul Cowan, Amer Shomali

Screenwriter: Paul Cowan

Cinematographer: German Gutierrez

Editor: Aube Foglia

Music Composer: Benoît Charest

Print Source: amer@zanstudio.com

Synopsis: A mix of documentary, stop-motion animation and re-enactment, this film offers an unexpectedly humorous account of one town's experience of the first Intifada by recounting the true story of how the Palestinian neighborhood of Beit Sahour near Bethlehem acquired a herd of 18 dairy cows and then had to hide them from the Israeli security forces when their existence was absurdly deemed a threat to national security.